Design and Advise
LAUREA’s role starts before activities’ implementation. We provide strategic advice on all things learning, ‘academy’ and ‘association management’: your positioning, content and engagement strategy, (e-)tools, use of technology, marketing and branding, you name it! Once the needs and objectives are clear we co-design the necessary activities to make it happen.
Once the needs and objectives are clear we co-design the necessary activities to make it happen.
Client: World Employment Confederation
Project: Concept note for the World Employment Conference 2022
Learning challenge: Designing the annual gathering of the HR services industry on a global scale, bringing together senior executives of national staffing federations and business leaders of workforce solutions firms to a ‘policy-for-business’ focused event.
Learning solution: LAUREA co-created with the World Employment Confederation the concept note for their World Employment Conference 2022. A hybrid Conference with sessions only available onsite as well as streamed sessions, via the chosen online conferencing platform (Swapcard). The conference was organised on two days: the first day exclusively for Confederation’s members and the second for members and external stakeholders alike.
LAUREA’s specific tasks
Co-creating the concept note in collaboration with the client
Brainstorming with the World Employment Confederation Conference Committee
Advise on the best approach
Presenting the final product
Results: LAUREA delivered the concept note for the World Employment Conference 2022, including two rounds of revisions. The document included:
The Positioning; Objectives and Format of the Conference;
The Target Group of both days of the event;
A first draft of the programme structure;
Suggestions on the methodologies to use;
The online conferencing platform;
Registrations and collection of participation fees.
In order to know more about the implementation of this project (also a LAUREA’s endeavour) visit our “Live Learning Experiences” page.
Client: ParadigMS Foundation
Project: Empathetic and Effective communication
Learning challenge: A strong focus of health care practitioners training is put, rightly so, on the knowledge of medical practice, while communication towards patients and empathy in delivering a diagnosis or discussing treatment are often underestimated competences in the preparation of neurologists. This is detrimental not only to the psychological condition of the patients, but also to the effectiveness of treatments and therapies received by the patients.
Learning solution: LAUREA advised the ParadigMS foundation and its sponsors on the identified learning challenge and designed a programme that aims at developing the soft skills of PhD neurology students and neurologists from the early stages of their practice.
This programme is designed as a Blended Learning Journey, including online and face-to-face sessions, scientific materials and exercises as well as an online community platform. The programme attempts at filling the gap between patients and health care practitioners by including patients in designing and contributing to the courses. An Advisory Board including MS patients will be involved in the design of the different sections.
LAUREA’s specific tasks
Advise the client and its sponsors on the learning challenge identified
Design the programme (including two rounds of revisions)
Collect the necessary sponsorship to run the programme
Results: The programme was presented to sponsors and it pending approval. Once initiated it will improve the communication between the patient and the doctor will lead to a personalised care for MS patients, taking into consideration the real actual needs of the patients. This will also improve the connections between different therapies that the patient might already be undertaking in different disciplines.
Client: VIVEL
Project: Developing a concept for a communication and learning platform for first line health care professionals
Learning challenge: VIVEL was in 2019/2020 a new organisation that collaborated with +50 local partners on a regular basis. Its responsibility was as well to coordinate the actions of the local partners and to ensure knowledge and best practices were shared and the local partners were trained.
Learning Solution:
Together with an agency, expert in online communication tools, LAUREA created the concept of a communication and learning management system. The detailed functionalities were drafted in a specification document. Finally, LAUREA supported the client in writing a request for proposals to source technical partners that could implement the solution.
LAUREA’s specific tasks
Conceptualize a communication and learning management system for the client
Advise the client on the functionalities of possible tools
Supporting the client in the development of a proposal to source technical partners
Microsoft Teams and Totara were implemented as solutions.